Facebook Censorship due to a Science Feedback “Fact Check”

By Andy May

Facebook’s censorship is totally out of hand, and their “independent and nonpartisan fact checks” are anything but. Now they are censoring “Climate: The Movie.” The supposed “fact checks” provided by Science Feedback and Climate Feedback (they are two branches of the same organization) have been shown many times to be both partisan and ideologically driven. The “fact check” of Steve Koonin’s bestselling book Unsettled done by Climate Feedback was blisteringly criticized by the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) in a lead editorial by the WSJ editorial staff.

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The Honest Story of Climate Change: Part 2: With a new course towards a hopeful future

By Guus Berkhout and Kees de Lange

In the first part of this article, we argued that there is no climate crisis and politicians, climate researchers and journalists were urgently requested to stop scaring the hell out of the population and citing the results of dubious climate models. In this part, emeritus professors Guus Berkhout and Kees de Lange argue in favour of ending the fighting between alarmists and realists. They make a plea to start working together on the large opportunities offered by climate change. This means a completely different approach to climate policy and the energy transition.

It is time that we stopped accepting that more and more unelected international organisations – such as all those UN-organizations (WMO, UNEP, etc.) and the thousands of NGO’s – who are forcing us to organise life in our own country according to their preferences. Above all, it is high time that we eradicated the stories of fear and the coercive measures forced upon us by these organisations. This is only feasible with a strong national democracy! National governments must set a new course with plenty of courage and expertise. The result will create hope for a prosperous future. Such a new course starts with a sensible climate policy.

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The Honest Story of Climate Change: Part I: Weighed down by fear and intimidation.

By Guus Berkhout & Kees de Lange

There is no climate crisis, even if politicians, climate institutes, and the media would have you believe there is. Climate change is a fact, but it is a change as in everything changes, both inside and outside our atmosphere. No surprise! We will show that we should not turn climate change into a drama. On the contrary, we should take advantage of it. An encouraging message by emeritus professors Guus Berkhout and Kees de Lange.

In Part I, we urge politicians, climate researchers and journalists to stop fearmongering and stop citing results of flawed climate models. Our leaders must tell citizens the honest story.

Continue reading “The Honest Story of Climate Change: Part I: Weighed down by fear and intimidation.”

Annotated Bibliography for Climate: The Movie

By Andy May

Many viewers of Climate: The Movie have asked for more information on the topics discussed. In response, I selected the following 70 key statements from the movie and provide references and context for the statements here. Sometimes the statements are slightly paraphrased from what was said for brevity. The statements are listed in the same order as they appear in the movie. The references, illustrations, and links below are my attempt to clarify the statements, provide context, and support the idea behind the phrase or sentence.

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Climate the Movie

A brief review by Andy May

Read this in German courtesy of Christian Freuer here.

Update: Climate: The Movie now has German, Polish, and French subtitles available. More will be added.

From the very beginning of this very well edited and produced movie (to watch on YouTube go here), we learn about the man-made climate change hoax or scam. We learn that anyone skeptical that humans are causing dangerous climate change are to be shunned, or censored, or worse! We also discover the ugly truth that all this government insistence that we are about to die due to global climate change is not true, and is all about money and power. The logic is that if it is truly a global problem, then it requires a global government, and all nations must submit to global domination by those who know what is good for us.

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The Holocene Climatic Optimum and the “pre-industrial”

By Andy May

The “pre-industrial” according to the IPCC in a footnote on page 43 of AR6 WGI is prior to 1750 for radiative forcings and before 1850 for temperature. Both dates are within the period commonly described as the Little Ice Age.

The Little Ice Age was a brutal and a miserable time for humanity, but none-the-less the IPCC has chosen to measure and define “climate change” using the global average surface temperature change from that period. They talk about dangers if we exceed 1.5 to 2 degrees above the “pre-industrial” period. These numerical limits have no scientific basis, but they set them anyway.

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Climate Model Bias 7: WGIII

By Andy May

Christian Freuer has translated this post into German here.

In the previous report, part 6 of this series, I discussed the bias in AR6 WGII. The major bias in the report stemmed from ignoring the benefits of a warmer world with more CO2 and only considering the possible problems. They also assumed, against nearly all evidence, that extreme weather events are increasing in frequency and impact, and at least part of the increase is likely due to humans.

AR6 WGIII, Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change, is intended to assess what is required to achieve net zero CO2 emissions globally. Given that WG1 and WGII have not established the following, this seems premature:

  1. WGI did not show that human emissions of greenhouse gases are causing significant or dangerous warming.
  2. WGII did not consider the well-documented benefits of global warming and additional atmospheric CO2.
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Climate Model Bias 6: WGII

By Andy May

Christian Freuer has translated this post into German here.

The previous parts of this series investigated model bias in the CMIP6 models and in their interpretation in AR6 WGI. This part looks at model bias in AR6 WGII, Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability.[1] The IPCC WGII report uses the possible future climate projections from the WGI report to project the future impact of climate change on society. It uses socio-economic models to accomplish this. As we saw in the previous parts of this series, the WGI report is biased and ignores possible natural contributions to recent observed global warming from changes in the Sun, cloud cover, and the meridional transport of energy.

The WGI/CMIP6 models, rather arbitrarily, assign all warming since 1750 to human influences, particularly CO2 emissions.[2] WGII accepts this controversial conclusion. It uses projected CO2 emissions combined with the WGI/CMIP6 models to predict future temperature and projected knock-on effects to other climate components, like precipitation, to model the future impact on human civilization.

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Climate Model Bias 5: Storminess

By Andy May

Christian Freuer has translated this post into German here.

In part 4 the impact of convection and atmospheric circulation on climate was discussed. When circulation patterns change, they change the speed and efficiency of the transport of excess heat from the tropics to the poles. When this heat transport is faster, the world becomes cooler since the poles have a weak greenhouse effect and are more efficient at radiating heat to space. The tropics are humid and have a very strong greenhouse effect because water vapor is the most powerful greenhouse gas.[1] Thus, the thermal energy (heat) transported to the low humidity poles is more easily sent to space than it would be in the tropics.

The temperature gradient formed between the tropics and the poles helps drive this heat transfer, but it is modulated by atmospheric and oceanic circulation and convection patterns. A very steep gradient, such as we have today, increases storminess.

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