Climate the Movie

A brief review by Andy May

Read this in German courtesy of Christian Freuer here.

Update: Climate: The Movie now has German, Polish, and French subtitles available. More will be added.

From the very beginning of this very well edited and produced movie (to watch on YouTube go here), we learn about the man-made climate change hoax or scam. We learn that anyone skeptical that humans are causing dangerous climate change are to be shunned, or censored, or worse! We also discover the ugly truth that all this government insistence that we are about to die due to global climate change is not true, and is all about money and power. The logic is that if it is truly a global problem, then it requires a global government, and all nations must submit to global domination by those who know what is good for us.

The movie has interviews with Dr. Steve Koonin, Dr. William Happer, Nobel Prize winner John Clauser, Dr. Richard Lindzen, Dr. Matthew Wielicki, Dr. Patrick Moore, Dr. Nir Shaviv, Dr. Ross McKitrick, Dr. Willie Soon, and many others.

The movie discusses temperature histories in an amusing segment that contains Dr. Will Happer stating that “When I hear people pontificating about a temperature change of one-and-a-half degrees ending human civilization, I wonder, what have they been smoking?” Dr. Willie Soon and Dr. Roy Spencer explain how the urban heat island effect has corrupted our surface temperature record.

We then see that surface temperature is not driven by CO2, it is the opposite, CO2 is driven by temperature over geological time. Recent history verifies this, high temperatures in the twentieth century were reached around 1940, but human CO2 emissions didn’t really take off until after 1940. So why were temperatures in the 1990s not much different than in the 1930s, after correcting for the urban heat island effect? This is a question the climate alarmists need to answer.

The eminent scientists interviewed in the movie all agree that the IPCC/CMIP climate models are the only evidence that we are all going to die from dangerous man-made climate change. Yet the models are clearly wrong, as shown in the film, here, and admitted in the IPCC AR6 WGI report on page 444:

“Hence, we assess with medium confidence that CMIP5 and CMIP6 models continue to overestimate observed warming in the upper tropical troposphere over the 1979–2014 period by at least 0.1°C per decade, in part because of an overestimate of the tropical SST trend pattern over this period.“

IPCC AR6 page 444

OK, the models overestimate warming, but what about extreme weather? Aren’t humans increasing extreme weather? Well, in a word, no. There are no verifiable changes in the trends of extreme weather, whether human-caused or not. Further, all records in the U.S. show the 1930s were hotter than today, as the movie clearly shows. Recently, the world is not getting warmer, winter temperatures are getting warmer, meaning the climate is getting milder, not more extreme. Wild fires are decreasing, not increasing. Drought and tropical cyclones have shown no change. The Australian great barrier reef is increasing in size, not decreasing.

The narrative that climate change is dangerous has come about because to get funding for research, the research proposal to the government must include how whatever you are studying is being affected by climate change. Cockroach sex is being affected by climate change! Beer and prostitution are worse because of Climate Change! And on and on. Some scientists will write anything for climate change research funds. And the funds are there, trillions of dollars! Those funds are totally dependent upon climate change being dangerous, so it must be made dangerous.

As Dr. Sallie Baliunas and Dr. Willie Soon explain, even research into the natural variability of climate is suppressed because the climate establishment wants natural variability to be zero, so that everything happens because of the evil human CO2 and greenhouse gas emissions. As she says in the movie, “If you shut the door on ideas, and say you are not allowed to test that idea, you’ve left the realm of science.”

The political objectives of the climate alarmists are scary. They want the government, whether a world government or a national government to control everything, to micromanage the public. This is down to the stove we can use, what food we eat, what we grow, what we say and think, what car we drive, how many children we have, and so on.

The worst impact of the climate alarmist demands is on the world’s poor. Those who do not have electricity or cars today. The alarmists do not want them to have what we have, cheap reliable electricity, clean water, fresh food, and transportation.

Are you angry about climate alarm? Do you think it is an assault on our freedom and prosperity? This is the movie for you.

The film was written and directed by British filmmaker Martin Durkin and produced by podcaster Tom Nelson. The movie will soon be available with subtitles in several languages courtesy of Clintel. See the movie here on YouTube, it is well worth it.

Published by Andy May

Petrophysicist, details available here:

5 thoughts on “Climate the Movie

  1. I’m angry that this issue is black and white for many. Let me first state that I read both Dr Curry’s book and Dr Koonins. After reading both I thought that those would would be great to have on mainstream media to debate the alarmist spewing the wrong science. Also I have not witnessed catastrophic events that were predicted to happen by now. I think the nation has a larger issue with trash, education decline, poor city planner, dilapidated storm water infrastructure. I work at an installation that requires buildings to start at 11 ft above sea level. The govt is paying astronomical amounts for just that fill not to mention the huge amount of extra weight that is exasperating land subsidence

  2. Pingback: CLIMA – IL FILM
  3. The “movie” is complete horseshit that consists of the usual crop of science deniers, contrarians and Disinformation Professionals most of whom haven’t published a single paper on the topic. Hilarious that fountain-of-nonsense and paid-to-lie Patrick Moore is featured; he hasn’t published a single paper on the topic. Not a single one. Ever!

    Andy, your review and dishonest behaviour is nothing short of shameful.

    1. Frank,
      Dr. Moore is a highly respected ecologist who has received many awards for his achievements. He has published two bestselling books and numerous reports on climate change that have been cited over 60 times. William Happer, Patrick Moore, and the other directors of the CO2 Coalition have written over 100 papers related to climate change, thousands of citations, and hundreds of awards, including the Nobel Prize to their credit.

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