Why I left Linkedin.com

Like many of my friends, I’ve decided to leave linkedin.com. They removed two recent posts of mine, one of them was an announcement of this post. Their stated excuse was:

“your content goes against our Professional Community Policies”

I studied their “Professional Community Policies” and did not see how I had violated any of them. Both posts were well researched, well supported with references and links, respectful, accurate, professional, and truthful.

They own the linkedin platform and are entitled to set their own policies, I have no problem with that. But if they have determined that I violated them, which one? How did I violate the policy? They refused to explain, so it is reasonable to conclude that they did not agree with what I wrote and decided to censor it arbitrarily. The fact that they did not explain their decision, is really what bothers me. If they censor a post, I deserve to know why.

If you read the post and can see anything that violated linkedin’s policies, let me know in the comments, I’m all ears.

I plan to continue writing and you will be able to read my posts and comment on them here. I will also continue placing the posts on Wattsupwiththat.com, many other sites also pick up my posts, including clintel.org, EIKE (in German), and elonionbloggle. I also encourage you to subscribe to my blog so you will be notified when I post something. The subscribe button is at the bottom of each page, if you have any trouble with it let me know. Subscribing is free and I do not share email addresses with anyone. Feel free to post this anywhere, including on linkedin.

I should add that I have an Op-ed that the Washington Examiner has scheduled for April 10, 2022. Watch for it.

Published by Andy May

Petrophysicist, details available here: https://andymaypetrophysicist.com/about/

4 thoughts on “Why I left Linkedin.com

  1. I left LinkedIn (should be ChainedUp) 6 years ago. Posts and posters that I thought interesting were allowed to be mobbed, while idiotic, mindless psychobabble and babblers were shielded. Left facebook for much of the same reason, having only joined at the request of a dear relative, since deceased. Skipped Twitter altogether. Never saw that “Social” was all that interesting, or useful, or entertaining. A mixture of middle-school gossip and cyberbullying.
    You’ve already found the best alternative in self-publishing your own page. I’ve not been able to take that step. Keep it going, please!

  2. Andy, I always very much enjoy and appreciate your columns on WUWT and, now, elsewhere, too. Thank you for your excellent work. It is much appreciated.

  3. It is what you explain, you hit the leg of one person, not a AI system that validates the content.

    Same happens on other platforms, FB, a friend got blocked for posting a adultery image. The image is a parking garage exit beam that is half open! He lost connection for 6-10 weeks.

    It seems that the human hiding the AI is actually the one who is doing it.

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